Fruit ensures that your dog is receiving the right minerals, vitamins and nutrients to help them stay strong and healthy.
It is a healthier alternative to dog treats, you can give your dog fruit about three times per week due to the health benefits that they provide! When giving fruit to your dog, it is important to keep the portion sizes small to not overload their body with sugar.
We want our dogs to be healthy just like us, so join me and learn more about different fruits dogs can eat and how it affects them.
Apples are a good fruit to give your dog because of the fiber and sweetness that it provides. The fiber enhances their digestive system, while the sugar gives them a solid boost of energy!
However, due to the amount of sugar in apples, it could cause your dog to have an upset stomach or even diarrhea. So, limit their apple intake to 2-3 slices per serving size and 2-3 servings per week.
Your dog can safely eat apricots without much worry. 1 -2 apricots per week is a great way for your dog to gain extra fiber in their diet and enjoy the delectable taste of the fury fruit.
Whether the apricots are fresh or dried, be sure that it has been pitted. The body of the apricot is fine, but the seed contains cyanide, a substance poisonous to both humans and dogs.
If your dog is large, they are capable of eating at most half of a banana per day; while small dogs can eat 2-3 pieces per serving per day. Bananas are not only fibrous, but they are calorie dense which could help them maintain a healthy weight.
Bananas are one of the dog’s favorite fruits to enjoy and are also soft enough for them to chew, which reduces the risk of a choking hazard!
In a small quantity of less than a handful, blackberries are very beneficial for dogs. Blackberries have plenty of antioxidants within it to help subside carcinogens and foreign materials from your dog’s system.
Additionally, dogs like blackberries because they don’t have to chew it since it glides down their throat with a smash of their tongue! Treating them with this fruit 2 – 3 times per week would make your dog healthy and happy.
Like blackberries, blueberries are also nutritious and a top pick for fruits to give your dog as a treat. Blueberries provide a quality amount of antioxidants to rid the body of ailments and fiber to keep its bowels flowing; but don’t go overboard your dog could end up with diarrhea.
One cup of blueberries twice per week is an adequate serving amount for your dog to ensure your dog’s smile.
Dogs are more than welcome to indulge cantaloupe! This fruit covers many bases such as your dog’s bowel movement and weight management, but also helps to improve their eyesight with the beta carotene that makes the fruit orange.
Even the seeds aren’t a choking hazard for the dog – but give them to it deliberately. – A couple cubes of cantaloupe a few times a week is safe for dogs to ingest without trouble.
Coconut – oil or meat – is a solid choice to keep your dog in a prime state of health. Coconuts are considered non-toxic to dogs, so it can be given to them as a treat.
Start with a daily ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil and you can gradually increase the amount. Give a few slices of coconut meat twice per week to keep bloating and their weight managed.
Your dog can eat cranberries safely about once per week. They are not toxic to their body and have the benefits of flushing out their urinary tracts as well as being a sweet and tart treat.
Moderation is the key when giving your dog cranberries because too much of these red fruits can cause your dog to have an upset stomach; sith the worst case scenario being a urinary tract infection.
Contrary to popular belief, kiwi is a great option for dogs. They are safe and non-toxic to the dog’s system. Kiwi has minerals and antioxidants such as flavonoids and carotenoids that aid in your dog’s overall health at rejuvenating their cells to protect against cancers.
Take heed that too many kiwis can result in a case of diarrhea, so one kiwi per week is a standard serving amount.
Dogs love mango and it is safe for you to give it to them! The sweet and tangy taste of mango is filled with beta carotene and water, which balances out your dog’s digestive system. Although delicious, dogs should eat mangoes in moderation.
So, 2-4 strips twice a week is a basic serving size for giving your dog mangoes. Also, be sure to remove the seed which contains small traces of cyanide!
Nectarines are packed with potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C and A, which makes it an extremely healthy snack for dogs to eat.
It also has a higher sugar content than other fruits, so it’s important to provide your dog with a few cubes or slices per week, but no more than two whole nectarines. This moderation will keep their stomach from becoming disturbed and reduces the chances of runny bowels.
Oranges are one of the simplest fruits for a dog to enjoy. It has a high water content that allows for smoother internal gas flow and diminishes the effects of bloating. In addition, oranges have a sweet taste to them that most dogs love!
It’s best to give your dog no more than 10 percent of its daily calorie intake, per day, in oranges to manage weight control and digestive issues.
It is safe for dogs to eat papaya twice a week because of the nutrients that it gives, especially to bitches who may be pregnant. Papaya has beta carotene, vitamin A, C and D, along with high traces of water to keep their digestive tract flowing properly.
The seeds, however, have trace amounts of cyanide, so it’s best to remove all the seed and chop the papaya up into small chunks.
Peaches are another delightful fruit that dogs can down down on. Peaches are filled with vitamins such as A and C, along with it being a cool pick because of the high water content.
Like apricots, peaches use their furry skin to deliver a significant amount of fiber. When serving peaches to your dog, stick with providing them with nor more than 10 percent of daily calorie intake from the fruit.
Pears are acceptable for most dogs and pups to eat. The fruit has a high content to vitamins C and K, and also a significant amount of copper which helps with their internal electrical system.
Bite-sized chunks of 4-6 a few days per week is a healthy amount for most dogs to stand. Like other fruits, the seeds contain small traces of cyanide, so be sure to put the pear before you serve your dog.
Canned pineapples should be avoided because of the high sugar content in the syrup, but raw pineapple is just fine! It is filled with an excellent amount of hydration and antioxidant properties that will stabilize your dog’s body and improve its health, so 2-4 sticks per serving is recommended.
The tangy taste is due to the acidity of the pineapple, which doesn’t affect the dog much considering that their saliva is acidic.
Raspberries are one of the safest fruits for your dog to indulge in. It has a low-caloric count and increased traces of water that hydrates your dogs.
The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties are also great additions to a senior dog’s diet since it alleviates joint pain. Although not harmful in small doses, one cup of raspberries, on occasion, is recommended because of the small amount of xylitol stored within the seeds.
With a high water content and a sweet taste, strawberries are an excellent fruit to serve your dog as a treat. Let’s not forget about all of the vitamins and minerals that strawberries provide when eaten regularly.
The sugar content in strawberries is higher than other berries, which could cause bloating and indigestion. Because of this a cup of strawberries per week is an acceptable amount to keep your dog happy and healthy.
What Fruits Can a Diabetic Dog Eat?
Dogs with diabetes will have to refrain from eating fruits with an excessive sugar content. However, some fruits that are O.K. for dogs with diabetes to eat include apples, kiwi, cherries, and any type of berries.
Let’s also add grapefruit, avocados, and bananas to this list. These fruits are easily managed by the dog’s body to be absorbed and filtered as necessary, and also stabilizes sugar levels in dogs with diabetes.
What Fruits Can a Dog with Kidney Disease Eat?
Kidney disease deals with the filtration of foreign substances and liquids from your body. If your dog has a kidney disease, you may want to reduce the amount of high-water fruits your dog indulges in.
Some fruits that are good for dogs with kidney disease are bananas, blueberries, raspberries, apples and watermelon. Moist fruits such as these will counteract kidney imbalances and provide much needed relief from frequent – and possibly painful – urination.
Try giving your dog a few pieces of these fruits a couple times per week to see how well fruits can help and improve your dog’s health.
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Mike is the Founder of Familylifeshare. Mike is well-knowledged in marriage, parenting, dogs, blogging and committed to sharing his knowledge and expertise with his readers. Know more about Mike from here.