How to Become the Generous Husband That Your Wife Needs

How to Become the Generous Husband That Your Wife Needs

These are just a few ways of becoming a generous husband to your wife. Make her enjoy her married life more by being the kind partner that she needs.

Keep in mind that being generous means providing for her, giving her time and space, and allowing her to be herself even in marriage.

You can read the list below to find out the ways on how you can become a generous husband that your wife really needs:

Tell Her That She Looks Beautiful Everyday.

I often find myself at a loss for words when my wife suddenly asks me if she looks beautiful or not. My normal response to her question is, “Yes, sure honey. You look gorgeous!” And the following scene will be something like my wife telling me that she is not appreciated anymore and she no longer looks great.

You may agree with me or not, but the fact of the matter is, your wife is not what she used to be when you were first together. She may have gotten older. She may have changed. But this is still the woman that you married. She is still the most beautiful woman in the world for you. Don’t ever forget that.

Compliment her every time you get a chance. If she is wearing new perfume, say something nice about it. If she is wearing new clothes, compliment them. Be intentional when it comes to flattering and praising your wife’s look. It is for you that she makes herself look good.

Support Her Dreams.

You should know the dreams and aspirations of your wife. Ask her about her personal goals, her dreams, and her aspirations in life. Support her in the things that she wants to have and become.  Don’t let married life prevent her from reaching her lifelong ambitions and desires.

Give a Gift Even if There is no Occasion.

The best surprises are those that are presented with no special occasion at all. That is because they are really unexpected! It does not have to be expensive. It is the thought that counts.

Forget About Petty Arguments.

A generous husband will just let some arguments go. Clothes that are not washed or ironed, calls that have been missed, forgotten grocery items—these arguments should be immediately disregarded and not prolonged.

Let Her Have the Last Piece.

Whether it is French fries, a bag of chips, or a set of tacos, you should just let her have the last bite. Make her feel satisfied with the food that you are sharing with her.

What’s Yours is Hers.

Always tell her that everything you own is also hers. When you buy food, she can always eat it whenever she wants. If she likes to use the car, don’t let anything stop her from going where she needs to be.

Allow Her to Go Out with Her Friends.

You can be a generous husband if you allow her to spend time with her family and friends. She needs some time to be with the people that she loves other than you. It also gives her the freedom to do the things that she was doing before you became husband and wife.

Thank Her.

Being married can make us accustomed to our wives doing things for us without having the need to thank them. But saying thanks can still make her feel appreciated. Don’t forget to thank her for every meal she cooks, every chore she does, and every gift she buys for you.

Forgive Her.

A generous husband is someone who does not hold back on forgiveness. Married life is full of mistakes, hurts and missed expectations. But is also a relationship full of love and compassion. Don’t let quarrels get in the way of your marriage. Forgive her when she has done something wrong.

Give Her the Remote.

One of our most prized possessions in the house is the remote control. Once we get home, all we want is to watch our favorite TV show or sport. But if you want to be a generous husband, you must prioritize her needs first. If she wants to watch other channels, give her the remote and let her choose the show that she wants.

Surprise Her with Her Favorite Snack.

Great things come in small packages. Your wife will surely see you as a generous husband if you give her the snack that she always wants to eat. Coming from work, pass by the restaurant or grocery store where she usually buys the snack and make sure to give it to her the very first minute that you come home.

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