Pug Pomeranian Mix-Physical Look, Lifespan and Temperament

Pug Pomeranian Mix-Everything You Need to Know

The Pomeranian—Pug Mix, or Pom-a-Pug, is, perhaps, one of the cutest designer breeds out there. With some versions coming out as a darker-colored, gruffer looking Pomeranian and others looking liking fluffy Pugs, it is hard to come across one of these tiny canines and not say, “Aw!”

The Pom-a-Pug is, to risk the obvious, an interbreeding between the small, furry, and rambunctious Pomeranian and the friendly, chill, and cuddly Pug. Their looks can range from just slightly darker than a regular Pomeranian all the way to just slightly furrier than a regular Pug (including all the adorable possibilities in between). They make a great family dog and, for those with no family, a cuddly companion.

If these adorable balls of fur intrigue you (trust us, if you are a fan of cute, Pom-a-Pugs will intrigue you) then read on to learn more. We will discuss the Pom-a-Pug’s looks, caring and grooming needs, temperament, and much more.

Physical Characteristics (Size and Physical Look)

The Pom-a-Pug’s looks are widely varied. Some versions of this mix come out looking no more different from a Pug, except for being furrier, or a Pomeranian, except for their darker color. However, there are some unique looks among the middle range.

On average, a Pom-a-Pug will keep the long, thick fur, small size, and facial construction of their Pomeranian ancestors. These features are mixed with the squished face and darker coloring of their Pug ancestors.

Getting down to specifics, the average Pom-a-Pug weighs between five and sixteen pounds and will measure eight to thirteen inches tall. Their coat will be short or medium-length and smooth to semi-course to the touch.


The Pomeranian side of this mix’s heritage enjoys a fairly long life, as do most small breeds. However, the Pug side of their ancestry has suffered from health problems, from weight to breathing problems, which can shorten their lifespan.

When taking both sides of their health history into account, we can see that the Pom-a-Pug will enjoy a medium-length lifespan at worst and a long one at best. You can expect your mix to live between eight and fifteen years.

Grooming Needs

Your Pom-a-Pug’s grooming needs will depend on their coat length and feel. As mentioned before, their coat can range from short to medium-length and soft to semi-course feel. The longer and coarser your pet’s coat is, the more often you will need to brush them and take them for haircuts.

At the very least, we recommend you give your Pom-a-Pug a thorough brushing once per week. When bathing them, be sure to use shampoo meant especially for dogs free from harsh chemicals.


The temperament of a Pom-a-Pug is perfectly suited to be an affectionate family dog or an energetic and cuddly companion dog. They often display a calm demeanor and a loyal and obedient attitude, always eager to please their owner.

As a bonus, Pom-a-Pugs often have keen senses and a sharp alertness of their surroundings. They can act as guard dogs by warning their owners to abnormalities before they become dangers.

Exercise Needs

Pom-a-Pugs are energetic breeds and can turn rambunctious when not given the proper amount of exercise. A typical day would require you to take your mix for a moderately long walk to drain their energy stores.

In terms of living space, Pomeranian-Pug Mixes require a medium-sized area to play and run around indoors. This does not mean, though, that they cannot do well in apartments. If they have had their walk appetite quenched, they are more than happy to laze around a small apartment all day.

To keep your Pom-a-Pug mentally stimulated, we recommend you engage them in playful activity for at least thirty minutes each day. This can offer some bonding time as well and make your pet even more eager to please you.

Health Risks

As cute as they are, Pug-Pomeranian mixes are not free from health risks. There are several important health risks to watch out for that are common in this breed.

Mono/Bilateral Cryptorchidism is a condition that affects the dog’s testicles. This condition is when one or both of the dog’s testicles do not descend properly into the scrotum sack.

Pateller Luxation is a condition that affects a dog’s legs. When their leg is fully flexed, the kneecap can become out of place, causing pain and discomfort.

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) is a congenital heart defect often found in Pom-a-Pugs.

Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (Dry Eye) is, as the name suggests, a severe dryness in the eye. This can also cause redness, itchiness, irritation, and blurry vision for your dog.

Pom-a-Pugs can also suffer from other minor diseases and injuries, but they are not as common as the above ailments. If you suspect your mix has these or any other illnesses or injuries, be sure to consult your veterinarian immediately.


Your Pomeranian-Pug mix will be more than okay eating a bag of dry dog food tailored to small dogs. They will eat a cup of this dry food per day. Be sure to not feed them table food as their digestive system may not handle it.

You can break the one cup of dry dog food up into different meals throughout the day, at your discretion. If your pet likes a morning and evening meal, go with two. If they like eating more often, go with breakfast, lunch, and dinner installments.

Are Pug Pomeranian Mixes Protective?

Despite their small size, some weighing as little as three pounds on the very light side, Pom-a-Pugs can be fairly effective guard dogs. Their alertness can help them warn their owner to anything out of the ordinary far in advance.

Do not depend on your Pom-a-Pug to scare off any potential intruders, though. Chances are the best your mix will do is make the intruder pause just a moment to say, “Aw!”

That being said, Pom-a-Pugs have a little of the “small dog” mentality in them. Mix that with strong loyalty to their owner and you will get a protective dog, even if the worse they can do is annoy someone away with their yipping.

How Much Does a Pug Pomeranian Mix Cost?

Being a designer breed, the Pom-a-Pug can come with a hefty price tag attached. That being said, there is a significant price range breeders sell these mixes at. Depending on the breeder and availability of breed, you can pay between $500 and $2,000 for a Pug Pomeranian mix.

As with any responsibility in life, the costs do not end there. The monthly cost of feeding your Pom-a-Pug is between $25 and $30 per month. Throw in other initial and recurring costs such as a leash, dog bed, and vet visits, and you’re looking at a considerable financial investment in your furry friend.

Is a Pug Pomeranian Mix Right for Me?

Much like many important questions in life, only you know the perfect answer to this question. However, we can give you some tips to help make the deciding process easier.

If you are in the market for a smaller-sized dog that is loyal, friendly, and compatible with families or as a companion dog and are not shy of the potentially high price tag, then the Pom-a-Pug is a great choice for you.

Best Climate for a Pug Pomeranian Mix

Given their short to medium-length coat, Pom-a-Pugs thrive in moderate climates. They are nowhere near as adapted to frigid environments as Huskies or Malamutes and, inversely, aren’t suited for equatorial heat either.

Any climate in the U.S., save extended exposure in the heat of the Southwest, is a good fit for a Pom-a-Pug.

The Attention a Pug Pomeranian Mix Needs

Besides their exercise needs (a moderately long walk each day), Pom-a-Pugs also need social interaction and play to keep them mentally stimulated and help them bond with their owners and family.

For at least thirty minutes per day, engage with your pet. Whether that engagement is playing games and activities with them or petting them as you sit on the couch is up to you. Either extreme will help you and your Pom-a-Pug grow closer and develop trust.

Compatibility with Kids

Pom-a-Pugs can be patient and affectionate pets. This makes them a great complement to children. This breed will be able and more than happy to play games with your kids while avoiding unnecessary aggression.

Their guard dog alertness is a great layer of protection. They will look after your children like one of their own and warn of any potential dangers to them well in advance.

Compatibility with Other Animals

Pom-a-Pugs are highly compatible with other pets, dogs and cats alike. Especially if they are raised with the other animal, they can form close bonds with them.

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