Can Akitas Live in Apartments? (Explained)
For an animal that was originally bred for its hunting prowess, Akitas sure managed to…
Lab Akita Mix-Labrakita (Physical Look, Grooming Needs and Temperament)
Labrador retrievers are these popular dogs with a perky personality and plenty of patience. They…
Golden Retriever Akita Mix (Golden Akita Retriever)-Physical Look, Lifespan and Temperament
Imagine one of the most popular breeds of dogs being mixed with one of the…
Can Akitas Stay Outside in Hot Weather? (Explained and Quick Facts)
Akitas are naturally thick-coated canines that produce and shed plenty of hair all year around….
Belgian Malinois
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Shetland Sheepdogs
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Do Samoyeds Get Along With Cats? (Explained and Helpful Guide)
Samoyeds are friendly, sociable dogs so you may be wondering if one will get along…
Do Samoyeds Shed? (Explained and Helpful Guide)
The Samoyed dog breeds were initially bred to assist the Samoyedic people in herding reindeer….
Samoyed Border Collie Mix (Samollie)-A Complete Guide
When you combine the ancient Samoyed and famous Border Collie, they’ll create the beautiful Samoyed…
Samoyed Poodle Mix–Physical Look, Lifespan and Temperament
The Samoyed and Poodle mix – otherwise known as a ‘Sammypoo’ – is a relatively…
Shiba Inus
Are Shiba Inus Good Service Dogs? (Explained and Quick Facts)
Shibas have traits that make them excellent service animals. They are affectionate and devoted to…
Best Age to Neuter a Shiba Inu (Explained and Helpful Guide)
Traditionally, male puppies are neutered between 6-9 months. Female puppies should be spayed before their…
Choosing a Shiba Inu Mix Breed: Which is Best for Your Home?
A Shiba Inu is a small, Japanese bred dog that was originally intended for the…
Are Shiba Inus Easy to Train? (Explained and Helpful Guide)
The Japanese treasure that is known as the Shiba Inu is a dog worth taking…