How Often Do Shiba Inus Bark? (Explained)

How Often Do Shiba Inus Bark

Shiba Inus are domiciled dogs that are often rendered as a great family pet to have. Why is that? Simply because of their easy-going demeanor, adaptable social skills, and the interesting sounds that come from them.

Shiba Inus are normally quiet dogs. They usually bark only when it’s necessary, like when they are extremely happy or quite angry. The bark of a Shiba Inu is sharp and clear, resembling an abrupt alert rather than the continuous yapping of smaller dogs, which many people find annoying.

With that being said, we should investigate more into the frequency and style of the Shiba Inu’s bark, so we can learn why it tends to be pretty low.

Shiba Inus’ Barking Habits

A Shiba Inus’ barking habits may typically consist of a solid and constant yapping sound, which occurs during moments of fear or threat, or when the dog is really happy, or mad.

With regards to moments of being afraid, Shiba Inus are pretty territorial animals, and enjoy their space; so if anything, or anyone, tries to impress themselves into it, it could be a trigger for the Shiba Inu to start barking for you to “back up.”

In addition, Shiba Inus’ are quite good at expressing themselves emotionally, so you’ll know when they are in a really pleasant and excited mood, of if they want to be left alone; they’ll bark!

When it comes down to it, Shiba Inus have the habit of only barking when they need to, as a warning, or when they want to be expressive.

The Frequency of Barking

Would you be surprised if I told you that a Human will do more yapping and yelling throughout the day than a Shiba Inu will?

It’s challenging to give a specific range or numbers that would fit the amount of barking that this dog does, however, know that it isn’t a lot. Now, a great way to get your dog barking is to basically leave with little-to-know attention.

When Shiba Inus feel neglected, they tend to let out a loud yelp or cry that will have you questioning whether the dog is O.K. If it’s hungry or has to use the bathroom, it is prone to start barking; or, when they are ready to be active, you’ll hear it from a mile away.

Their barking will mostly take place during the active parts of the day, and can be cured by simply paying attention and interacting with the dog.

Shiba Inu History: Why Shiba Inus Don’t Bark Much?

Shiba Inus have their indigenous origins in the mountainous areas of the Chubu region of Japan. It can get quite cold in those mountains during the winter time, which could account for their infamous yelp or cry that they let out during times of distress or stubbornness.

As time went on, they were bred by farmers and landkeepers to assist in hunting missions to catch birds, or larger prey like boars; an this attribute made them really great at becoming quiet and stealth.

These hunting trips inadvertently trained the dog to be a dog that barks seldom, unless ready to attack.

In addition, it’s also realized that Shiba Inus are quiet by nature; unless being intruded upon, they aren’t prone to unnecessary barking, which is great for you and your neighbors.

Types of Vocalization

One of the most intriguing characteristics about Shiba Inus is the fact that they have the capacity to produce several different types of sounds from their vocal cords. You may think that they have a specialized set, or something could be wrong with their cords, but this isn’t true.

Their vocal chords are considered standard doggy vocal cords, and there isn’t anything out of the ordinary about them; the dog simply knows how to use their voice.

You’re bound to hear loud yawning, moaning, or groaning, whenever the dog is tired, or about to rest, or just finished resting. If another animal, or unfamiliar person is overstepping their boundaries the Shiba Inu will set off a loud yelp to get your attention.

And of course, there is the ever-lasting “Shiba scream” which sounds like a howl from experiencing pure agony or pain, although what triggered the sounds probably was simple pat or extra hard rub to their body.

Excessive Energy

Most dogs have an adequate amount of energy; and it’s necessary for them to let it out via running and playing, formal exercise, or allowing them to engage in socialization and companionship with other Humans or dogs.

And like other dogs Shiba Inus find it necessary to vent out their excess energy as well, because if not, things can get pretty topsy-turvy, and loud.

When a Shiba Inu is hindered from expressing their emotions, or expanding and releasing their physical energy, they well let utilize their final result, and begin to bark frequently and with power.

This is due to the fact that they have a lot of energy at the moment, but not enough room or accessibility to let it out. Cure this issue of excessive energy and barking with a quick walk around the block, or some fun interaction with the Shiba Inu.

Shiba Inus Around Strangers

Shiba Inus have a great relationship with their caregiver, and the family members that take good care of them; however, around strangers, Shiba Inus can be quite bold and skeptical of them.

The reason for this is because of their unfamiliarity with them. Naturally, Shiba Inus are territorial dogs, and don’t take kindly to people, or other dogs infringing on their personal or familial space.

If and when this happens, it’s just about guarantee that the Shiba Inu will begin to sound off some pretty strong and high-pitched barks, as a defense mechanism for them, and a warning to the stranger.

When this happens, it’s best to comfort your dog with patting, or to simply redirect the Shiba Inu away from the stranger that’s making them bark.

Not Enough Socialization

Shiba Inus have a dominant personality. They are bold animals that will stand up for themselves against larger animals, are good at hunting prey, like to play rough and wrestle, and aren’t keen to others being in their space.

For these reasons, it’s easy to realize why Shiba Inus don’t socialize much. Their strong demeanor, and “you’re not the boss of me” attitude lead them to be mavericks in their own right, which also makes it a mission to socialize them.

A great way to start the process is by walking them on a leash around your neighborhood. Notice how they react to fenced dogs, leashed dogs, and unleashed dogs that are protected by a fence.

Once you see how this breed handles others, Shiba Inus can become good at socializing with other animals and species of dogs, with time and active patience.

Understanding “Illogical” Barking

Remember all of those random sounds that I told you Shiba Inus make? Well, that’s what is considered their “illogical” barking, and it has a reason behind it.

These wails, yelps, barks, moans, and groans are all part of how they express their thoughts or emotion; think of it as their way of  speaking to you, or their forms of “words”. A wail tends to mean that they are not a fan of what they are experiencing, and may want out.

A yelp could signify helplessness, or some sort of physical, mental, or emotional pain. A bark could be interpreted as a warning sign, or a full on attack; while a moan or groan could imply tiredness, boredom, or complete restlessness.

These attributes are heavily prevalent within the Shiba Inu breed, so learning to understand their “illogical” language is necessary for having one as a companion.

Training A Shiba Inu Not To Bark

Training a Shiba Inu not to bark may not be as hard as you may think. The trick to efficiently and effectively training them is positive reinforcement.

This term has been used throughout the region of psychology and behavioral analysis, and has proven to be a powerful tool for teaching dogs – especially Shiba Inus – to not bark unnecessarily.

When you notice a Shiba Inu excessively barking, simply start with a bold and strong “NO”; this action sets you up as the leader, and allows you the opportunity to give the dog a treat once it obeys your command.

Another form of positive reinforcement that will help is affection.

Shiba Inus are a fan of being rubbed and patted, so when you give them a command to not bark, and they either stop completely, or lower their volume, give them a good rub down, with a “good boy/girl” to reinforce their new quiet behavior.

Do Shiba Inus Make Other Noises?

Outside of the previously mentioned sounds, Shiba Inus are also known to be able to create other noises such as yodels, burbs, grumbles, whistles, and even grunts. These sounds are due to over, or understimulation, without an outlet to allow them to express themselves.

To add to the list, whining is another sound that you’ll hear from this breed; ironically because they are overstimulated with energy, it will produce a whine that can be interpreted as “I missed you so much!” Overall, the noises that come from a Shiba Inu are interesting to say the list, and can happen often when triggered; but in the end, you can expect this breed of dog to be vocally subtle.

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