Pomeranians are very alert. For this reason, they make great watchdogs. That said, they are very vocal animals. They bark a lot. It is their way of communicating with their owners and also protecting them. Many pet owners may get used to their dogs excessive barking, but neighbors and visitors may not. It’s important that Poms get the right training so their barking doesn’t drive their owners up a tree.
Without the proper training at a young age, you may find that your Pom will bark at people, other dogs, the television, and anything else that moves or makes a noise. It’s best to address this issue early so that you can truly enjoy these loving, fun little dogs. Treats are one way to curb your Poms bad barking habits, but owners need to be careful with overfeeding. Poms have a tendency to put on weight which can lead to obesity and result in health problems.
Pomeranians’ Barking Habits
Pomeranians are by far one of the cutest, playful, and vocal dogs out there. These adorable, confident pups can pick on dogs much bigger than them.
Pomeranians are related to the Northern German Spitz breed, a guard dog which explains their frequent barking behavior. However, learning to understand their barking behavior and preventing them from excessive barking can remove a lot of stress when raising them.
Pomeranians can have a bad habit of barking at new people, other dogs, outside noises, among many other reasons. It’s best to teach your Pom good habits early on and have proper communication with them.
Using treats, giving them attention, and keeping a retractable leash on them helps to calm your Pomeranians barking habits. Pomeranians typically bark to protect their loved ones from unknown dangers.
Why Do Pomeranians Bark a Lot?
Pomeranians bark a variety of reasons, such as protecting themselves and their owner, ready to play or for excitement, boredom, attention-seeking, and reacting to disturbances such as fireworks, sirens, and other noises. Although it may seem annoying for your Pomeranian to bark so much, they are only trying to communicate with you.
The Important Barks: How to Recognize Them and What to Do About Them
Boredom That Leads to Barking
If you’re not paying attention to them for hours, you may find them barking to pass the time. In addition to barking, you may find them chewing, digging, or licking repetitively. These repetitive behaviors help to cope with their stress of being bored. It is a good way to tell if your dog is bored if they mope around with a sad expression.
The solution is to provide plenty of stress relief, exercise, and mental stimulation for them. A few ways to help with boredom is to take them out for walks, play with toys, get them new treats, change their environment, and even have background television noises running. Provide mental stimulation for your Pomeranian by using food dispensers or slow feeders, kong toys, squeaky ropes, rubber balls, plush toys, and even hiding treats around the house for them to find.
Barking at Strangers
We all know the scenario of bringing guests over to your house, and your Pomeranian begins barking up a storm. Even if your pup has met them before, there’s a good chance they still bark. Dogs are extremely loyal, and Pomeranians are looking to keep you safe.
There are a few methods to prevent your dog from barking at strangers in your house or outdoors. One method is putting your hand over their muzzle until they calm down. Then once they’re quiet, give them a treat. Another method is diverting their attention by shaking your car keys, grabbing their favorite toy or treat. Lastly, you can teach them to go to their spot. Simply utter the command “go to your spot” and throw a treat or bone in that direction. From there, command them to stay.
Playful Barking
Like many other breeds, Pomeranians love to show their emotions. You can see their emotions from their facial expressions, ears, and tail. If they’re running around, smiling, and jumping, they likely just want to play. If your Pom is a puppy or in their younger years, you’ll likely see this behavior more often.
Although playful barking isn’t harmful, it can catch other people off guard and leave them fearful. You can stop their barking by either allowing them to play or divert their attention. Give the dogs the attention they crave, and they’ll surely stop. But if you hear them barking too much, simply command them to sit and stay.
Not Enough Socialization
Your dog may bark if they lack human or dog interactions as a puppy. Pomeranians may do this because they are unfamiliar with how to act around humans or other dogs, and can’t trust them yet. This is a common problem for rescue dogs from shelters, where social interactions are lacking.
Additionally, traumatic experiences in a dog’s life can cause anxiety and trust issues. It’s best to give your Pom more attention if they lack human attention. To teach your dogs how to get comfortable with other dogs, we suggest taking them to a doggy daycare.
Health Issues
Some Poms may bark due to pain or health issues they are currently facing. Check to see whether your pup has any tender spots in their body. Your dog will bark if the area of pain is touched. Notice if they are compensating in any way. For example, if you notice they are eating awkwardly, it could be a sign that they have teeth pain. Have your Pom evaluated by a veterinarian to solve their issue.
“Illogical” Barking
Your Pom may bark irrationally for many reasons. For example, dogs can bark for territorial reasons. If you have your dog fetch a toy, they may growl or bark if you try to take it away. These barks get louder the closer you get to them. It’s best to train them to listen to the command “leave it” or “no” for your Pom to stop their illogical barking.
Training a Pomeranian Not to Bark
It’s fairly unrealistic to expect that you can ever mute your Pom. However, you can train your pup to not bark in everyday situations such as seeing other dogs or meeting strangers. Here’s how to train your Pomeranian not to bark as frequently:
Step 1: First, figure out why your dog is barking in the first place. Then you can remove the cause to reduce the likelihood they will bark.
Step 2: When they bark, wave their favorite treat around to get them to stop. Usually, once they smell the treat, they’ll shift their focus on trying to get it.
Step 3: Then issue a command such as “no barking.” Once they stop, praise your Pomeranian, and they tell they’re a good doggie. Wait for about 3 seconds of silence before giving them their treat.
Step 4: If they bark again, wait for 5 seconds of silence before giving them the next treat.
Step 5: Always scold your Pomeranian if they act out by barking. You can say your command louder to make sure they get the hint.
Step 6: You can increase the time intervals of silence before giving them a treat. This trains them to listen to you, and remember that being quiet leads to their favorite treat.
Training a Pomeranian not to bark may take some time, so make sure to stay patient. Try to avoid bark collars and speak to a vet before using one on your pup. To stop your pup from barking, interrupt them, reward them for stopping their behavior, and refocus on something else.
Do Pomeranians Make Other Noises?
Like other many breeds, Pomeranians can make other noises such as growling, whining, sighing, and groaning.
A whine is a less aggressive behavior where they may want something like a toy, food, or attention. Growls can be angry or playful. Your Pom may growl because it’s possessive about their toys. These noises are meant to be a warning that dogs send out.
Sighing and groaning are usually a sign of disappointment. For example, your Pomeranian could groan if they don’t want to enter the Veterinarian office. Or they may sigh before a nap to signal they are tired.
What Do the Different Voices of Pomeranian Mean?
Pay close attention to the noises that Pomeranians make. Sharp and loud barks usually indicate intrusion and a warning of potential danger. High-pitched barks, smiling, and heavy panting usually signals excitement and playfulness. A singular bark followed by your dog running away can signal pain or being startled. Pay attention to your pup’s sounds and body language to get an accurate read of why they’re making noises.
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Mike is the Founder of Familylifeshare. Mike is well-knowledged in marriage, parenting, dogs, blogging and committed to sharing his knowledge and expertise with his readers. Know more about Mike from here.