How Much Sleep Should a Pomeranian Have? (Quick Facts)

How Much Sleep Should a Pomeranian Have

It’s suggested that adult Pomeranians should have around 12 to 14 hours of sleep a day and senior Pomeranians (8 years plus) should sleep 13 to 14 hours, with allowances for longer naps during the day. As newborns, Pomeranians will require about 20 to 22 hours of sleep a day, and this will gradually decrease to 18 hours and stay this way throughout their puppy phase (up until their first year).

Pomeranians love to sleep for long periods throughout the night for the same reason we do – to recharge their bodies and brains. Training them into a night sleeping routine can be a challenge with certain Pom personalities, but it is possible. If you’re concerned about your Pomeranian’s sleeping habits, we’ll help set you straight about the right amount of sleep, what affects their sleep health, and what you can do to ensure they get a good night’s rest every time.

The Right Amount of Sleep for a Pomeranian

Around 12 to 14 hours is the perfect amount of sleep for the average adult Pomeranian. This can work out to 8 or 10 hours sleep throughout the night with a few hours spread over daytime naps, which is perfectly normal.

Do Pomeranians Sleep a Lot?

Pomeranians should stick to 12 to 14 hours of sleep each night, but if they have an inactive (or over-active) lifestyle, have been over-fed or have any underlying health issues that cause them to feel lethargic, this can cause them to sleep more throughout the day.

Also, any time they feel bored and unchallenged, Pomeranians may take naps simply to fill their free time. They aren’t thought of as the biggest sleepers in the dog world, but they are sometimes perceived this way due to lazy or over-indulgent owners.

Things That Change How Much Your Pomeranian Should Be Sleeping

There are four main factors that can affect the length and quality of your Pomeranian’s sleep cycle:


Puppies and senior Pomeranians will always sleep more than adults, and this is normal. Puppies need 18 to 20 hours of sleep and will nap regularly throughout the day as part of a healthy sleep schedule, and as Pomeranians reach the age of 8, they will sleep longer throughout the night and typically fall asleep whenever the house is quiet to take advantage of long naps.


In some cases, excessive sleeping in your Pomeranian can be linked to hypoglycemia, a common issue in small breed dogs which causes them to have low blood pressure and therefore make them feel more lethargic.

Suffering from a bug or food allergies could also be the reason for abnormal sleeping patterns, as dogs tend to retreat and sleep when feeling sick. This can be treated easily at your local vet, so don’t hesitate to get your Pomeranian checked out if you notice any change in their usual sleeping routine.


Pomeranians don’t like extremes of hot or cold weather, so if they are not sleeping well, their bedding material could be affecting their sleep quality. A good quality bed for a toy dog breed should have a light and soft base that can relieve joint pain (memory foam is great for this) and their bed surface should ideally be made from a breathable microfiber material that stays cool on warm days and provides warmth during colder months.

Providing them with a blanket and a separate cooling mat/pad on the floor next to their bed is also recommended for a better night’s sleep, particularly if your home can’t cool/warm adequately throughout the year.


An inactive Pomeranian may sleep out of boredom, but over-exercising your pooch with one too many runs in the park can have them too exhausted to wait until their evening sleep and they may take a longer nap than usual, throwing off their sleeping pattern, so try to keep their exercise regimen to the recommended 30 minutes a day (split into 2 walks).

Different Sleeping Positions and Their Meaning

Different Sleeping Positions

On their back – Once your Pomeranian begins sleeping on their back, it’s a sure-fire sign that they trust you fully and view you as one of the pack. Sleeping on their back with their tummies exposed is a vulnerable position for a dog, and this sleeping position shows they feel at home with you.

Curled up – If your Pom is sleeping all curled up in a fuzzy ball, it could simply mean that they’re cold and trying to keep cozy. Otherwise, it can be a sign that they feel slightly tense about something, like new people or unfamiliar territory, so if you’ve just moved house or introduced a new pet or family member and they’re curled up, this could be why!

On their side – There’s a saying that side sleepers are happy dogs. Sleeping on their side reveals a similar message to back sleeping – that they feel comfortable and care-free enough to be vulnerable in your presence.

‘Superman’ – If your Pom is sleeping in the Superman position (straight body with front legs outstretched as if they’re flying!), it indicates that they intend to wake up and carry on with their activities, so they may nap rather than take a long sleep in this position so that they wake up ready and alert for more energetic play!

Helping Your Pomeranian to Sleep Well Every Day

  • Don’t over-feed them – the recommended daily amount of food for your Pomeranian is no more than 1/2 a cup of high-quality kibble split into two meals a day.
  • Check for drafts or heat traps – if your home is draughty or there is a heating element near your Pom’s sleeping spot, move them to a comfortable, stable temperature-spot in the house.
  • Don’t let them become bored – if a rainstorm has canceled walkies for the day, keep them entertained for at least an hour each day with indoor games and activities that keep them moving and their mind active – they’ll sleep more soundly later on.
  • Keep some chew toys by his bed – if your Pom is stirring throughout the night, having some chew toys nearby will help him stay busy and feel soothed to go back to sleep.

Sleeping Problems Found in Pomeranians

Two of the main sleeping issues a Pomeranian owner will run into is over or under-sleeping because of a sudden change in routine and insomnia brought on by health issues.

First off, a change in routine can mean anything from new noises outside disturbing your Pom’s sleep to settling them into a new household with new smells and sleeping spots to get used to. The other big cause is insomnia triggered by a variety of health issues (most of which are more common in old age) and these include:

  • Sleep apnea (causing nightmares that disrupt sleep)
  • Dementia (common in older Pomeranians)
  • Joint pain
  • Heart problems
  • Diabetes
  • Seizures (common in older dogs)
  • Pain associated with cancer (tumors common in old dogs)

How to Get Your Pomeranian to Sleep at Night?

As well as making sure they run off their energy throughout the day and that they have a calm, relaxing area to sleep soundly, you’ll also need to employ a bit of tough love to get your Pomeranian to sleep throughout the night.

Once you know your Pom has been fed and had their last toilet break of the day (preferably 30 mins before bed), then it’s time to leave them to it and ignore any whining and other noises.

If you go to him each time he makes a sound, he’ll never learn to go to sleep without you – it will take some time and perseverance, but he’ll eventually tire himself out and learn to sleep throughout the night without a peep.

What You Should Do if Your Pomeranian Sleeps Too Little?

Consider their sleeping environment – is it too cold or hot for them at night? Find out if there are outside noises or other distractions preventing your Pom from getting enough sleep. If their bed has seen better days, it may be time to invest in a high quality one that promotes joint pain relief and added comfort – a feature that will definitely benefit Poms approaching old age (6 years and up).

If you have not identified issues with their sleeping environment and they are getting the recommended daily food and exercise, don’t hesitate to get them checked over by your vet to rule out any underlying health complications.

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