How Much Sleep Should a Corgi Have? (Explained)

How Much Sleep Should a Corgi Have

In addition to being one of the waddliest and cuddliest dogs out there, the Corgi has developed a reputation for being quite the bundle of energy. Impressive as it may be, some people wonder, some with concern and others with envy, exactly when a Corgi manages to sleep and for how long.

On average, a Corgi sleeps between 8 and 10 hours a day, a bit less than the average dog. This depends upon your individual Corgi’s exercise habits and sleep needs, of course. The Corgi was originally bred as a work dog so they usually have a lot of energy to work off. During the day, though, with plenty of exercise and activities to keep them entertained during peak energy times, your Corgi can sleep a great deal. In addition to their daytime snoozes, Corgis tend to sleep about eight hours at night, depending on their adjustment to your sleep schedule.

If you are curious about your Corgi’s sleep habits, read on to learn more. There is much to learn about this energetic dog’s slumber, including: how much they should sleep, reasons why their sleep habits might be different, how to ensure your Corgi is getting the best sleep possible, and much more.

The Right Amount of Sleep for a Corgi

The Corgi is a cuddly, waddly bundle of energy. Any Corgi owner will be able to tell you how rambunctious they can get at times. All this playing and exercise is bound to take its toll on anyone. When your Corgi is exhausted and ready for its beauty sleep, chances are it will sleep about eight hours at night.

During the day, the Corgi will sleep a similar amount of time as any other dog, between 8 and 12 hours. However, the Corgi’s energy does tend to make it a bit less sleepy than other breeds.

Things That Change How Much Your Corgi Should Be Sleeping

As perplexing as your Corgi’s actions may seem sometimes, everything they do has a reason and a cause. It is helpful to keep in mind that dogs, in general, have better senses than humans when it comes to hearing and smell.

If your Corgi is not sleeping as much as it used to, it could be because the critter who recently moved in underneath the porch is a noisy neighbor, or that new air freshener you bought at the mall is an unusual smell they are adjusting to.

Even subtle changes like the residual smell from guests or the change in smell people undergo when sick can have an effect on your Corgi’s sleep. Lack of sleep can also be a symptom of health problems such as arthritis or other painful injuries.

On the other hand, if your Corgi is sleeping more than it used to, this could be because of a deterioration in their senses or health or because of boredom or depression.

Boredom That Leads to Sleeping

The oldest standby of anyone bored in class or a meeting: doze off. A Corgi is an energetic dog who loves to run around, play, and socialize with its owner.

If your Corgi appears to be lazy or bored and dozing off more than normal, something might be off with them. Try engaging them in their favorite game. Take them for a walk. Let them run around outside. If their usual hobbies don’t seem to snap them out of their boredom, consult your veterinarian to ensure nothing more serious is wrong.

To avoid letting your Corgi become bored, pay attention to signs. If they seem to be barking or whining more, they may be begging for your attention or asking for play time. Simple things throughout the day can keep your Corgi entertained. Take them on trips with you when you run errands or go into town.

Give them some attention when you’re on the couch. Even if it’s after a long day, tossing a toy for them to fetch every now and then will keep them from getting bored.

Getting Older Will Increase Sleep Time

As your Corgi gets older, they will probably lose some of the energy they had before. Like any senior citizen, normal activity they used to be able to sprint through with enthusiasm left over now leaves them tired and breathless.

This increased strain on their body will, in turn, increase the amount of time they sleep. This is completely normal and is needed to rejuvenate their bodies.

If you suspect that your Corgi’s increased sleep habits are a sign of something more, do not hesitate to take them to the vet for a checkup. Abnormal increase in sleep can be a sign of arthritis, depression, diabetes, and even hypothyroidism.

On the other hand, getting less sleep as they age can also be signs of health problems in your aging Corgi. Joint pain; hearing loss; chest, lung, or hearth problems; and cognitive degeneration can all be problems that affect your Corgi’s sleep.

Sleeping Problems Found in Corgis

Possible problems that can affect the sleep of your Corgi of any age include, but are not limited to:

  • Loneliness, especially in puppies who are adjusting to life away from their mothers,
  • Pent up energy, if your Corgi is not getting enough physical exercise,
  • Critter distraction, your Corgi may be hearing sounds you cannot and become preoccupied hunting its “prey,”
  • Or adjustments, any big changes like moving families or houses, going on trips, or adjusting to a new pet in the family.

If you are unsure of the reason of your Corgi’s sleeplessness, don’t hesitate to contact your veterinarian. They will be able to more accurately diagnose the reason and any possible health problems.

Helping Your Corgi Sleep Well Every Day

A simple and easily maintainable way to help your Corgi sleep well is to give it enough physical activity and mental stimulation. If it is exhausted from running around and playing with you, it will be sawing logs regularly when it comes time.

If they are having problems sleeping even with ample exercise and activity time, you may need to take extra steps to help them get the sleep they need.

If you suspect your Corgi is suffering pain from arthritis, specialized beds can offer them the comfort they need to sleep. Some vets have even started using melatonin as a sleep aid for dogs, though you need to ask your vet about the dosage and frequency before you administer it.

If you suspect any other health problem is the cause of their lack of sleep, it is best to consult your veterinarian.

Keep Your Dog Happy

Having been bred as work dogs, Corgis naturally have a large reserve of energy and a want (sometimes a need) to play and run around. The easiest way to keep your Corgi happy is to make sure it is getting the proper amount of daily physical activity.

Pay enough attention to them and socialize with them daily. If your Corgi is not paid attention to, it will likely grow bored and can even become depressed. Take them on walks, play fetch, let them be your errand or couch potato companion.

To support their love for activity, your Corgi will need ample food and sleep. Providing both for them is a sure way to keep them happy. Of course, a treat thrown in every now and then won’t hurt.

Keep Clean

A Corgi’s fur is a thick coat consisting of two separate layers. Though they are not high maintenance grooming-wise and only require bathing once every month, it is important to take the proper steps to keep your Corgi clean and fluffy.

Monthly bathings and weekly combings are enough to keep their coats healthy and tangle-free. Be sure to use the proper comb for your Corgi’s hair length and a good quality shampoo to ensure your furball’s fluff stays nice and soft.

Keeping your Corgi clean is one thing. Keeping your house clean with a Corgi is another. Corgis tend to shed quite a bit. If you want to avoid their hair getting all over your furniture, it might be a good idea to institute a “no dog on couch” policy; or at least keep a dust buster nearby.

Vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting will become frequently performed chores to allay the buildup of fur in your house.


Corgis were originally bred as work dogs, raised for the purpose of herding animals on farms. This naturally gives them a lot of energy which needs to be worked off daily. At least an hour of walking, playing, or running around outside is a necessity for your Corgi.

Keeping it entertained, however, can be a different matter. Sometimes running around by themselves is not enough to keep a Corgi from getting bored.

Sometimes they need interaction with their owner or other people. With their ample energy and busy mindset, Corgis will love to play any game, from fetch to tug-of-war and anything in between.

Different Sleeping Positions Represent Different Physical and Mental Conditions

If your Corgi is sleeping on its back, this can mean it feels safe and secure. Most animals do not like to expose their belly like that, especially during the defenselessness of sleep, if they do not feel safe in their surroundings. This position can also be a sign that your Corgi is getting enough restful sleep.

Sleeping on their back, a position some have affectionately dubbed the “Flying Squirrel,”could also mean your Corgi feels confident and in control. This is a trait very common in Corgis, stemming from their days herding cows mammoth in size compared to these squat companions.

If your Corgi is sleeping on its stomach, in a position known as the “Superman,” this could mean they want to stay as alert as possible during sleep and be able to jump up to its feet as quickly as they can.

If your Corgi is asleep curled up into a ball, this could mean they feel the need to be defensive or protect themselves.

Sleeping on the side means your Corgi is passed out without a single worry on its mind.

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