Can Rabbits Eat Asparagus? (Benefits and Quick Facts)

Can Rabbits Eat Asparagus

It’s no question that vegetables should be part of your rabbit’s diet. But what may not be apparent is the type of vegetables that are best for rabbits. Some vegetables are safe for humans to consume but can be harmful to rabbits. Is asparagus safe for your pet bunny to eat?

Rabbits can eat asparagus, but it should not make up their whole diet. When provided in moderation, asparagus can have several nutritional benefits for your bunny – it has high water content and a low amount of calories, making it a great snack for your little friend. It’s also packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and a decent amount of fiber, all of which positively contribute to a rabbit’s health.

Are Asparagus Good for Rabbits?

Asparagus is a nutrient-packed vegetable that can be a great addition to any healthy rabbit’s diet in the right amounts.

It’s Low in Calcium

While a majority of animals absorb only as much calcium as they need from their food, rabbits cannot properly regulate their intake and will absorb most of the calcium they consume.

Excess calcium in a rabbit’s body will bind with oxalates resulting in the formation of bladder stones. This is a painful condition that requires immediate medical assistance from your vet. You always need to keep a close eye on your rabbit’s calcium consumption.

It Has a High Water Content

Asparagus is 93% water. This makes it a great addition to your bunny’s diet especially during the summer when they’re prone to dehydration.

It’s Nutrient-dense Without Too Many Calories

Asparagus contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals which are highly beneficial to a rabbit’s health. Rabbits don’t do well when fed foods high on sugar, fat, and starch. Asparagus is very low on all three, yet it’s filled with valuable nutrition.

This vegetable is a good source of vitamins C, E, and K, as well as members of the B source. It also contains phosphorus, potassium, with many other micronutrients, including zinc, iron, and riboflavin. Asparagus is also high in folate, a nutrient that promotes cell growth in rabbits.

It Has a High Fiber Content

Another benefit of asparagus is its high fiber content. Rabbits need plenty of fiber to keep their digestive systems in good function – fiber aids in the digestion of food and absorption of essential nutrients. Fiber can also help in the stabilization of blood sugar levels if you have a worrisome diabetic rabbit.

Are Rabbits Allergic to Asparagus?

Rabbits are not allergic to asparagus, but they may or may not eat it when offered. Some bunnies enjoy munching the vegetable, while other rabbits will not eat it at all – it’s simply a matter of preference.

Can Bunnies Eat Raw Asparagus?

Bunnies can safely eat raw asparagus. Cooking asparagus potentially changes its nutritional value, but it doesn’t make it toxic. Cooked asparagus is just as safe for your rabbits as raw varieties.

Can Rabbits Eat Asparagus Fern?

No, rabbits cannot eat asparagus fern at all. This is because it’s toxic to them and can have fatal consequences when consumed. In addition to its toxicity, asparagus fern, also known as feathery asparagus, also has small thorns, which may cause damage if ingested.

Can Rabbits Eat Asparagus Stalks?

Most rabbits have no issue eating the whole asparagus plant, including the stalk. That said, the stalk might be a bit difficult for them to chew, and they might also have a hard time digesting it depending on their particular age.

Will Wild Rabbits Eat Asparagus?

If they come across it, wild rabbits will eat asparagus. If you plant some in your garden and there is a population of wild rabbits in the vicinity, then you should protect your plants.

Can Rabbits Eat Red Asparagus?

Red asparagus is safe for rabbits to eat.

How Often Can Rabbits Have Asparagus?

Asparagus should only be fed once or twice a week as part of a set of greens. Combine it with two or three veggies to make up your rabbit’s serving of greens. Feeding too much asparagus to bunnies can have adverse effects such as:

  • Diarrhea

As previously mentioned, asparagus is made up of mostly water. And while water is an important part of your bunny’s diet, too much of it can cause digestive issues. If a rabbit eats too many water-dense vegetables like asparagus, it could end up with a digestive upset. A mild case could result in minor discomfort, but more serious issues like diarrhea can also occur.

  • Digestion issues

Too much asparagus could lead to a fiber overload in a rabbit’s digestive system, which may affect their intake of other nutrients.

You should never feed baby bunnies asparagus as they have a more sensitive digestive system than their adult counterparts. Asparagus is a bit on the tough side, making it difficult for younger rabbits to chew and digest.

What Vegetables are not Good for Rabbits?

While many types of vegetables are safe and healthy for rabbits to eat in moderation, others are simply not good for them. They include:



Rhubarb can cause severe reactions in rabbits when ingested. It also contains a high concentration of oxalates, which can interfere with calcium absorption. Therefore, if you grow rhubarb in your garden, make sure your rabbit cannot access it. Symptoms of rhubarb poisoning to keep an eye out for include:

  • Bloated or sore tummy
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Swollen or sore mouth

Iceberg Lettuce

Lettuce is often referred to as “rabbit food”, so surely it’s safe for their consumption. Well, dark variants of lettuce (like Romaine) are perfectly safe for rabbits to eat. However, iceberg lettuce is unhealthy because it contains a chemical called lactucarium, which can be harmful to rabbits if consumed in large amounts. Lactucarium can cause diarrhea and physical weakness.


Although rabbits enjoy the taste of potatoes, they are high in calories and have no nutritional benefit. They are packed with starch, which a rabbit’s digestive system can’t handle. Consumption can lead to diarrhea, GI stasis, or constipation. Additionally, potato leaves and vines are poisonous.


Cauliflower, whether raw or cooked, can cause severe bloating in rabbits.



Although parsnips are not harmful in small amounts, they are not a recommended food for bunnies. This is because they contain a lot of starch, making them difficult to digest. They are also loaded with calories, so regular consumption can lead to weight gain in rabbits.

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