Can Corgis Stay Outside In Hot Weather? (Explained)

Can Corgis Stay Outside In the Heat

Corgis are typically used as herder animals, since they are so small and use their size to nip at the hooves of cows and other large animals alike.

Which begs the question: can Corgis stay outside in the heat? And the answer is yes; Corgis do just fine in the heat because of their physical mechanisms that keep them cool.

They are more than capable of withstanding some sun, and now it’s time to inform you of how this is possible.

Corgis In Hot Weather

The past of Corgis exist mostly as field companions, and functionally as herders of cows, horses, and sheeps. Which means that they are outside, a lot! Even though their size may throw you off, they are more than capable of withstanding soft summer heat with little-to-no problems.

What really helps is how they keep themselves insulated and cool, biologically. Their fur helps them to trap in good heat, while air and wind is capable of providing coolness to balance out their overall internal temperature.

This mechanism allows them to stay outside for most of the day, without the fear of passing out or heat stroke. And having fresh water lying around is always a good idea to help this process become successful.

Temperature Safety Standards

Corgis do well in the heat, yes; but there are precautions and pillars that should be taken into consideration in order for them to be free to roam without problems.

First, it’s good to know that Corgis are capable of absorbing heat around the average of 80 to 85 degrees fahrenheit. This keeps their body at a great equilibrium to keep their internal organs, and therefore internal temperature, well balanced.

I’ll also let you know that Corgis also handle temperatures on the cooler end around 50 to 60 degrees; their double-coat helps out a lot with this. In essence, if you live in a sunny environment with low-to-mid humidity, your Corgi should be comfortable and energetic.

How Hot Is Too Hot For Your Corgi?

A sub-tropical area has a quality environment with easy temperament for your Corgi; however, with too much humidity, temperatures could increase, which could trigger discomfort for your Corgi.

Temperatures exceeding more than 85 degrees fahrenheit have the capacity to cause physical complications, beginning with dehydration, and frequent panting. Other signs that may occur when your Corgi is too hot is lying down and lack of appetite.

When this occurs, it’s necessary to provide your Corgi with water in order to cool down their internal temperature; because remember, their double-coat retains heat.

There are other ways to keep your Corgi cool, and one of the easiest ways to do so is make sure there is natural shade available for them when they are ready to cool down; like under a tree or dog house.

Why Do Corgis Overheat So Easily?

Corgis overheat easily because of two main factors: their small body and double-coat of fur. Because their bodies are so small, they are capable of retaining as much heat as possible to keep an equal balance to its internal temperature.

The fur helps to regulate this process as well, but can sometimes do the complete opposite. They have two layers of fur that is used not only for protection, but also as an insulator to trap in heat.

When the temperature is down, this mechanism works wonders, but when it’s hot outside, your Corgi will feel it within minutes of frequent activity, and may begin to show signs that signal “I’m hot, and I need to cool my body off.”

Should You Shave Your Corgi in the Summer?

If your Corgi’s fur coat is shaved off with the premise that it will keep its body safe and cool, you are sadly mistaken.

I’ll get straight to it with this one: it is not recommended to shave your Corgi’s fur coat, especially during the summertime, and here’s why. During the summer, the sun can be extremely hot for a Corgi because they can absorb so much heat into their active bodies.

Their fur coat protects them during moments like this, and acts as a direct shield to defend your Corgi’s skin from some of the harmful sun rays.

Keeping cool is also a must for your Corgi, and their fur coat plays a vital role in this happening; it not only keeps heat inside of the fur, but it also allows for heat to escape from the body when it is too hot.

Dangers of Keeping Your Corgi Outside in Hot Weather

It’s easy to empathize with dogs when they are left outside all day, because I’m sure you wouldn’t want this to happen to you…and me either.

Keeping your Corgi outside may not seem like such a bad idea; but with little shade, keeping it in the heat can create potentially serious complications. Complications including the top contender, heat exhaustion.

Heat exhaustion happens when there is not enough coolness ventilating, and the heat is too much to bear. There are signs to this occurring, and should be cured right away to reduce further problems. There’s also the potential for shortness of breath due to excessive panting.

It’s also important to check your dog’s nose, paws, and ears, as these are other areas that could be affected by keeping your Corgi outside in the heat.

Ways to Help Corgis Stay Cool in Hot Weather

When it comes to your energetic Corgi, there are several ways to help it stay cool while in the heat. One of the best – if not the best – method of keeping your Corgi cool in the heat is water.

You see, dogs get the best ventilation of oxygen through their mouth, which is why they pant so much, it helps. So adding a healthy and refreshing dose of cool water into the mix will only make the experience better, and much more effective for them.

Finding a shaded area for them may be necessary for their safety too. A shaded area, like under a porch, in a stable or doghouse, or simply inside of the house, are all viable options that will provide lower temperature air into their already-heated bodies, and balance it out until completion.

Does Your Corgi’s Diet Affect Their Heat Tolerance?

On the surface, it may not seem like it; but after some digging, it turns out that diet may play a part in your Corgi’s ability to withstand heat. The types of food that you Corgi eats play a minimal role; but how much your Corgi eats is the big player.

Eating too much food in a short period of time can cause your Corgi to become overweight or even obese. With extra layers of fat now attached to it, it will trap in heat, and keep it there longer because fat is also an insulator.

So between their fat, skin, and fur, they have a trifecta of heat entrapment, which could cause heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and even a heart attack.

Thankfully, fat is not an automatic mechanism of choice, and can be managed by being mindful of how much they eat, compared to how much they move around outside.

What You Should Know If You Live Somewhere That’s Always Hot

Let’s say that you live in a tropical or subtropical region that rarely gets cold, and can tend to be hot most of the year. You’re Corgi will be safe to say the least.

However, there may be times of discomfort if they become overwhelmed with heat, so keeping a shaded area close by is one option that will help with this. Whether it’s a shed or a doggy stroller, shaded is what matters.

The heat will also send them straight to panting when the heat becomes brutal, so it’s a safe choice to keep a bottle of water or two nearby to help it out and keep their mouth and body hydrated.

Also, on days that you know are too hot to bear, keeping cool circulating air around your Corgi will ensure that there is a balance of heat and cold both internally and externally.

Protecting Your Corgi’s Nose, Paws, and Skin in Hot Weather

Let’s break it down: the best way to protect your dog’s nose from the heat is to keep it hydrated. A Corgi’s nose is also used for releasing excess heat, which is why it will sweat.

Keeping your Corgi hydrated will keep its nose from drying out from losing moisture, and from cracking or skin-peeling. The paws can be protected by doggie booties. They add cushion and insulation to your dog’s paws, and thus, protection.

Natural land is also a big help when it comes to avoiding afternoon walks on a hot sidewalk; grass is a solid walking base to protect your Corgis paws as well.

Their skin is already protected by their fur, so keep it nice, healthy, and strong. You can enhance this by keeping your little buddy hydrated with lots of water, and a bath every now and again with hydrating shampoo and conditioner.

How To Tell If Your Corgi Is Overheating

This would be a sad and, thankfully, obvious event if it were to happen to your Corgi. It shares many very noticeable signs of overheating like that of other dogs, and may present in the form of

  • Increased body temperature and pulse.
  • Lots of drooling.
  • Dark red gums.
  • Excessive panting and/or thirst.

Dizziness may appear as well in your Corgi, as they struggle to find some sort of cool air to rest in from being outside in the heat.

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