If you have kept and bred boa constructors before you know that they truly make great pets because they’re calm and require surprisingly little care and maintenance. So, you may find yourself very interested in learning about all the (many) different types there are out there, including morphs.
Boa Constrictor morphs are unique forms of boa constructors. Various types of boa constrictors are bred together — and their morphs are then bred together — to create different types and sizes of boa constrictor morphs featuring all different patterns and colors. Most morphs are created by breeding boas together, but some are found randomly in the wild and brought into pet stores to be sold and/or further bred.
Some boa constrictor morphs are more desirable to own — and therefore are more expensive — than others. This is typically due to their extra unique markings and their ability to be bred to create even further types of morphs.
- How Many Boa Constrictor Morphs Are There?
- 15 Popular Boa Constrictor Morphs
- Albino Boa Constrictor
- Anery Boa Constrictor
- Snow Boa Constrictor
- Aztec Boa Constrictor
- Blood Boa Constrictor
- Hypomelanistic (Hypo) Boa Constrictor.
- Jungle Boa Constrictor
- Motley Boa Constrictor
- Leopard Boa Constrictor
- Eclipse Boa Constrictor
- Ghost Boa Constrictor
- VPI T + Boa Constrictor
- Sunglow Boa Constrictor
- IMG Boa Constrictor
- Pastel Boa Constrictor
How Many Boa Constrictor Morphs Are There?
There are many different boa constrictor morphs around! It’s estimated that there are dozens of different kinds of boa constrictor morphs — and there are thousands of combo gene morphs between them.
There are also new discoveries regularly which brings the numbers up even higher. However, there are roughly 20 or so boa constrictor morphs which are the most regularly seen.
15 Popular Boa Constrictor Morphs
As mentioned, there are too many morphs to describe here. But here are 15 of the most commonly talked about.
Albino Boa Constrictor
The Albino boa has a recessive gene that is lacking, or even absent, in melanin (also known as being amelanistic). This results in a cream-colored, or even pure white, boa. They are also known for their deep, bold red eyes. These boas are often combined with other morphs to make more lightly colored boas. There are many different forms of the Albino boa such as the Coral or Sharp Albino boas.
Anery Boa Constrictor
The Anerythristic (Anery) boa is a beautifully colored boa constrictor with a fascinating mix of pigment — although they lack any red in their bodies.
When they are first born and still young, they have a strikingly beautiful shimmery lavender color. However, their recessive gene causes them to lose their shimmery lavender color as they age, and the Anery boa takes on a brown or yellow color all down their saddles and tail once they are an adult.
Snow Boa Constrictor
If you breed an Anery boa with an Albino boa their litter will each carry one Albino gene along with one Anery gene (these 2 recessive genes are known as a double het). When two double hets are bred together it will result in a Snow boa.
The Snow boa morph is extremely pale with few to no markings as it is a double recessive morph. It certainly doesn’t look like a typical boa but is desirable because of its unique beauty.
Aztec Boa Constrictor
The Aztec boa morph is a result of a color and pattern mutation which has a co-dominant gene. This mutation causes the saddles of the Aztec boa to fuse, which forms blocks that run latterly down the sides of the boa. This pronounced pattern lining their bodies make them a very impressive looking morph.
Interestingly, these were originally known as a “class pet” boa after the original male who was a class pet. They are still being studied extensively and are highly desired.
Blood Boa Constrictor
The blood boa is named so because of its deep red color, similar to blood. However, as this morph ages, the deep red color gradually alters to a darker reddish-brown or deep orange color. They’re also pretty recognizable due to their blunt heads and dark eyes.
These boa morphs are considered to be “dwarf boas” as they typically only grow to be about 5 feet long. The blood boa is typically bred when it’s only about 4 feet long.
Hypomelanistic (Hypo) Boa Constrictor.
Hypo boas lack some pigment due to their hypomelanism — but they don’t lack as much pigment as Albina boas do. They still have some deep black and/or brown coloring — occasionally with a bit of red in their tails — through their body in unique, mixed patterns, but these boas aren’t as bold as your “typical” colored boas. Hypo boa genes are considered to be co-dominant genes and consist of 2 lines — the Orangetail line and the Salmon line.
Jungle Boa Constrictor
Jungle boas can be a really interesting looking morph! It originated and was further developed in Sweden by a breeder who found a boa with a zig-zag pattern down its back and bred it with a basic boa constrictor then bred that one back to its mother to create a true Jungle boa. They are also a co-dominate gene boa and have various shades of brown and erratic patterns throughout their body and tail. When Jungle boas are bred with each other the result is a “Super Jungle” boa.
Motley Boa Constrictor
The Motley boa is a new genetic pattern mutation that was found back in the 1990s. This boa resembles the pattern found on a Motley corn snake — which is how it got its name by a Florida breeder. Interestingly, when two Motley boas are bred together, they produce “Super Motleys” and they all are made up of the same co-dominant gene. They are silver and lavender in color and have patterns running up the length of their backs — but not on their sides.
Leopard Boa Constrictor
This is another “dwarf boa” that only reaches a full size of 5 feet once full grown. This is an extremely common breeder boa that was created within a normal litter of Sonoran Desert boas. The Leopard gene is recessive and boasts a very unique dark pattern and color — similar to a leopard print. Each Leopard boa will look a little different — and some look vastly unique in ways such as having a golden-colored head or a red chin and red bellies.
Eclipse Boa Constrictor
The Eclipse boa (once known as the Leopard Colombian Motley) is a combination of the Colombian Motley and the Leopard genes. They have interesting colors — they start off lighter and grow darker as they age — eventually becoming very deep and dark in color. They have a unique faint pattern which may be difficult to see as they darken.These morphs are relatively new and are still fairly rare — however, they are becoming popular to breed so the Eclipse boa may become easier to find.
Ghost Boa Constrictor
The Ghost boa is what you get as a result of the combining of the Anery boa and Hypo boa genes. Interestingly, Ghost boastend to look a little darker and have a deeper pattern throughout their bodies than either of the boa constrictor morphs they were bred from. These boas take on an extremely distinctive pink, grey, lilac, and white color and are one of the more beautiful boas you can find. Female ghost boas typically grow to be larger than their male counterparts.
VPI T + Boa Constrictor
The VPI T+ (Tyrosinase Positive) boas are Albino boas that have a genetic mutation which seemingly can not complete the synthesis of melanin, but can manage to produce other melanin related pigments such as red, brown, and grey. They are still quite pale but have these extra colors swirled throughout the entire length of their body and tail. These boa constrictors are extremely desirable to own and breed and therefore will usually cost more than other types.
Sunglow Boa Constrictor
Sunglow boas are very popular designer boas that are produced when you combine the genes of the Albino boa and the Hypo boa. These larger sized boa constrictors are lacking the black color, and most other dark, pigment throughout their body. They also have extremely deep red pupils and a pink tongue. These morphs look similar to Albino boas but have higher contrasts of colors with just a few clear patterns and cleaner markings throughout because of their Hypo gene.
IMG Boa Constrictor
The IMG (Increasing Melanin Gene) boa has the gene which means melanin production increases as the boa ages — which means the colors become darker and bolder. This is a relatively new gene that was discovered accidentally.
This boa is also commonly referred to as an Azabache boa, which is the Spanish word meaning “jet black”. There have been lots of exciting experiments done with these morphs to make different specimens with all different pigments. Since they are so desirable, these boas are generally fairly expensive.
Pastel Boa Constrictor
The Pastel boa is an extremely popular morph to own and breed because they produce morphs with such great colors and details which are quite different from your average boa constrictor.
Pastel boas have very little to no black pigment throughout their bodies and tails but still have all of the other colors typically seen in boas such as brown, gray, silver, and even occasionally red and pink. The result is a stunning, colorful, highly desired boa constrictor morph.
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Mike is the Founder of Familylifeshare. Mike is well-knowledged in marriage, parenting, dogs, blogging and committed to sharing his knowledge and expertise with his readers. Know more about Mike from here.