13 Cool Rosy Boa Morphs With Pictures

13 Cool Rosy Boa Morphs With Pictures

The Rosy Boa is a snake species which originates from the Boidae family and Charina genus. Rosy Boas are commonly found within the American Southwest region, and certain areas of Mexico such as Baja California and Sonora. They’re also seen in dry, rocky, and desert-like environmental conditions.

Rosy Boas are small-sized reptiles, non-venomous, and a popular hit amongst reptile-lovers to have as household pets. They’re docile and friendly snakes that can make them both ideal for beginners or expert snake-owners. Depending on the particular Rosy Boa morph of purchase, people pay anywhere between $25 – $2500 to get their hands on this remarkable species!

If you’re looking for a snake with a unique color and pattern combination, Rosy Boas may be of interest to you! There are numerous morphs that you can choose from, and they’re all reasonably priced too! If you’d like to continue learning about Rosy Boa morphs, continue reading.

How Many Rosy Boa Morphs are There?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is unknown. Generally speaking, however, one can assume that there are well over 20+ variations of Rosy Boa morphs which currently seize to exist (both in captivity and the wild.)

13 Rosy Boa Morphs

1. Desert Rosy Boa

Desert Rosy Boa

Originating from the southern and south-western regions of California and Arizona, the colors found on a Desert Rosy Boa resembles the environment he’s found in.

From dusty pinks and orangey-brown hues, the Desert Rosy Boa has a cream base that allows them to hide between rocks and surrounding areas. Their pattern is light and also consists of 3 dark stripes amongst the body.

Pretty cheap to purchase, the average price to pick up one of these little guys are from $25 onwards.

2. Anery Rosy Boa

Anery Rosy Boa
Source: Facebook

Anery (defined as Anerythristic) Rosy Boa, is one of the only Boa morphs that lacks red pigmentation in their appearance. The colors which they do possess, however, can vary significantly.

Usually, Anery’s are completely covered in a lavender-cream color- but they can also be dark blue with slight brown stripes all-over. The eye color on an Anery Rosy Boa also varies, from jet black’s or dark blues; it truly is a mystery.

On average, an Anery Rosy Boa can cost you from $85 onwards, depending on the reputation of the breeder.

3. Coastal Rosy Boa

Coastal Rosy Boa
Source: Facebook

A Coastal Rosy Boa is a peculiar morph and one of the most common Rosy Boa subspecies to own. Native to the West Coast of Baja California (Mexico) and California itself, the Coastal Rosy Boa shares a similar habitat to a Desert Rosy Boa.

Coastals have both a variable pattern and color, with them also being one of the darkest common subspecies of Rosy Boas.

Generally, a Coastal Rosy Boa can be found with a cream background, and deep red stripes; a dark blue-grey background with brown stripes, or a dark blue-grey background with pink or orange stripes.

Given its distinctive color and wicked pattern combo, these morphs are usually priced between $60 – $200 just for a single snake.

4. Bostici Rosy Boa

Bostici Rosy Boa
Source: Facebook

Bostici Rosy Boas (defined as Latin name Lichanura Trivirgata Bostici) is often argued as no different to the Mexican Rosy Boa. Given its similarity in color and pattern, few people believe they’re the same morph.

A Bostici Rosy Boa has three distinct black/brown stripes along its body, and their base or background is almost always a whitey-creamy color.

Despite its popularity to own a Bostici Rosy Boa, very few breeders produce them which makes them a rarity and slightly more expensive. You should expect to pay between $150 – $250 for this particular morph.

6. Albino Rosy Boa

Albino Rosy Boa
Source: Facebook

An Albino Rosy Boa has a common skin mutation known as Albinism. Albinism can interrupt skin pigmentation (due to a lack of melanin) which means the Albino loses some or most of its commonly renowned pattern.

For an Albino Rosy Boa, they continue to keep any light areas on their body, however, the darker areas are replaced.

Generally, an Albino Rosy Boas eyes are bright red amongst a cream, light pink, or dusty-red background. They may also have a light striped pattern, possessing colors of cream, white, beige, pink, red, or orange.

Once again, another more expensive popular morph, Albino Rosy Boas cost anywhere between $200 onwards.

7. Snow Rosy Boa

Snow Rosy Boa
Source: Facebook

The Snow Rosy Boa color and pattern is like a unique combination of an Albino and Anerthyrstic Snake. Much like the Albino where they lack dark pigmentation, Snow Rosy Boas are an even lighter-pigment morph.

With white and cream backgrounds, Snow Rosy Boas also lack red pigmentation- meaning their stripes are usually a creamy-silver color on top of their light body. You can understand why they’re nicknamed as “Snow.”

Snow Rosy Boas are popular in the reptile community, however, they’re bred by few breeders which makes them more expensive to purchase. On average, Snow Rosy Boas are priced at a minimum of $250.

8. Moonglow Rosy Boa

One of the rarest on the list is a Moonglow Rosy Boa, making a name for itself within the reptile community and Rosy Boa breeders for its idiosyncratic and unique color and pattern combination it possesses.

Moonglows are created by combining both a Snow and a Hypomelanistic, creating that “Moonglow” pattern effect on their body. They also look very similar to both morphs, which can make things tricky for identification purposes for an outsider.

Given its rarity within the community, it’s extremely rare to find a breeder that both produces and sells this morph. However, for the few that do own this morph- they’re commented on paying $950 – $2150.

9. Axanthic Rosy Boa

 Axanthic Rosy Boa
Source: Facebook

The information surrounding an Axanthic Rosy Boa is extremely limited, as they’re both difficult to find among pet stores and private traders (like breeders.) Price is also limited, given the lack of purchases; it’s difficult to presume the average cost for this particular morph.

Despite the lack of information, however, one thing we do know about an Axanthic is their typical color and pattern. It’s believed that Axanthic Rosy Boas possess dark colors such as blues, greys, and browns. Their pattern is also dark, with slight tinges of rosy pigmentation.

10. Lichanura Trivirgata Myriolepis

Lichanura Trivirgata Myriolepis
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Lichanura Trivirgata Myriolepis snakes are commonly found within the wild or Baja California. They’re also slightly larger than most Rosy Boa morphs. Myriolepis snakes often resemble the Coastal Rosy Boa coloring and pattern, which can make them a cause of debate.

Many people believe there is no difference between a Lichanura Trivirgata Myriolepis and a Coastal Rosy Boa, therefore, claiming any difference between the two is absurd.

A typical Lichanura Trivirgata Myriolepis color pigmentation is a creamy-white background amongst a vibrant orangey-red pattern combination.

Given its rarity, the average price for a single Lichanura Trivirgata Myriolepis can set you back between $150 – $250.

11. Hypomelanistic Rosy Boa

Hypomelanistic Rosy Boa
Source: Facebook

A Hypomelanistic Rosy Boa shares a similar skin pigmentation mutation to the Albino Rosy Boa, however, with a slight decrease in extremity. Hypomelanistic Rosy Boas lose some of their dark colors, but thankfully not all of it.

Depending on the origin of which the Hypomelanistic Rosy Boa originates from, their coloring is usually a creamy-white amongst a dull reddish-pink striped pattern. Their overall body color can be either lighter or darker, once again depending on its origin.

As this morph isn’t the most “rarest nor commonly found” Rosy Boa snakes, they’re still priced at an even cost you’d expect to pay. On average, you should expect to pay $100 onwards for a single Hypomelanistic Rosy Boa.

12. Hypo Anza Borrego Rosy Boa

Hypo Anza Borrego Rosy Boa
Source: Facebook

The Hypo Anza Borrego Rosy Boa is a newer Rosy Boa morph, with uncertified information regarding its history or origin.

Hypo Anza Borrego Rosy Boas are extremely light in color, specifically as a hatchling, but tend to darken as they reach adulthood. Their bodies are creamy-white in color, with dull bright orange striped patterns.

Otherwise, they can appear as a dull-orange body color with red-pink hued stripes.

These selective morphs sell anywhere from $200 upwards, however, can only be purchased by few traders and breeders.

13. Limburg Albino Rosy Boa

Limburg Albino Rosy Boa
Source: Facebook

Although its exact history is unknown, the Limburg is a combination of the Albino Rosy Boa and an unknown specimen. Together, the Limburg Albino Rosy Boa was created and sparked great interest among the Rosy Boa community.

This snake acquires a creamy-white background, with distinct jaggered patterns that vary between bright yellow and dusty orange.

The Limburg Albino Rosy Boa can be picked up for as cheap as $75 from some breeders, and can cost as much as $100.

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